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Lauren Trantham’s superpower is fierce tenderheartedness. Just imagine an elite ninja crossed with a hopeful romantic and you can understand her personality! She believes in black coffee, dark beer,  shooting straight liquor, and that true strength lies in vulnerability.

When she is not riding her motorcycle or traveling the world she is helping entrepreneurs find their authentic message so they can grow their business by getting real.




  • Being authentic in social media is something I talk about a lot. Lauren and I share our thoughts about what we see on other people’s social media accounts. Are what we are seeing their highlight reel or is it truly their REAL self?

“The power of vulnerability really unites people.” – Lauren Trantham

  • Lauren talks on how much you can be vulnerable online and not come off as being negative. Real life can be hard sometimes but what Lauren does best is try to share her struggles as an inspiration for others.
  • Look at authenticity as a purpose and an obligation to help the world. Your story matters and needs to be heard!
  • When it comes to sharing your story, what should you share and what shouldn’t you share? Lauren and I don’t always talk about everything in our lives, especially if it’s about someone else. That’s their story to share.

“When women can be authentic and open in real life, it really helps create better relationships.” – Jennifer Rozenbaum

  • How can you tell if someone is being real on social media? Lauren shares some of the cues she pays attention to. She says it’s about consistency with that person’s message.
  • Are all big-time influencers fake?! As a New Yorker, I am a skeptic and I questions everything! But, comparing ourselves to the influencers can be terrible on your self-esteem. Lauren talks about noticing your feelings when you’re scrolling through Instagram.
  • Should you have a curated feed? When I see “perfect” social media feeds, I call bullshit! Does it attract more followers? Maybe, but that’s not what I’m about. But, it also depends on what you do. If you’re trying to be vulnerable and be real, the perfect curated feed doesn’t work.

“Unfollow anyone that doesn’t make you happy when you’re scrolling through your feed!” – Jennifer Rozenbaum

Let’s Connect!

  1. See all that Jennifer has to offer at Shamelessly Feminine!
  2. Join The Shamelessly Feminine Facebook Group and continue the conversation!
  3. Connect more with Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram!


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