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Dana Malstaff is the CEO and founder of the Boss Mom Movement. A space created for women to support other women, and space where boss moms can come and contribute to each other’s successes. She is the author of Boss Mom: The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Business and Nurturing Your Families Like a Pro and Confessions of a Boss Mom: The Power in Knowing We Are Not Alone and has helped over 10,000 women raise their business and their babies.



  • We discussed how Dana got her start and inspiration for Boss Mom. She discussed mom guilt and feeling alone and isolated knowing she did not want to be a full-time stay at home mom. She talks about moving to San Diego and surrounding herself with other like-minded mamas.
    • “I would be a better parent if I were doing other things I love.” -Dana Malstaff
  • We talked about the Boss Mom “ecosystem” and the importance of the ripple effect it has not only on her as the founder, but on the entire community.
  • We discussed how she grew her business
    • If you decide to start your own business, your life WILL change!” -Dana Malstaf
  • She opened up about her own marriage and subsequent divorce, reflecting on how her personal growth significantly impacted their relationship. Seeking guidance, she eventually consulted with a divorce attorney just like the DuPage County divorce attorney to navigate the legal complexities smoothly. You may also seek guidance from this Hoffman Estates family lawyer.
    • It’s a self-discovery journey” -”Dana Malstaff”… and your spouse either grows with you and supports you in your new endeavors or doesn’t. Ultimately, “I wasn’t the same person he married.”
  • She discussed dealing with “imposter syndrome” and finding her power in her growth to say “no”.  She discusses why they are moving away from the retreat and where she can now turn her energy towards in the future. Your child’s needs must be a top priority when your marriage is ending. An experienced family law divorce attorney Utah can help you protect the best interests of your child during the divorce process. And if you’re thinking about how you can invest in your child’s future, then you might want to look into these tax-free savings options for children.
  • She emphasizes the importance of continuing a connection with the people you love and how to not allow yourself to become one-dimensional. Then continues on to discuss a mom need for a network…people who will challenge you in a productive way and not just people who agree with everything you say.

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