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NJ Rongner is an outside the box thinker, truth teller and regularly tells her clients “I can’t sign off on that” if she thinks they’re making mistakes in their business. She loves encouraging women to thrive in the people, places, and passions they’ve been given and encouraging gals to do hard things. NJ loves coffee, voxer and wearing the title of strategy consultant.



  • Nj and I start our conversation with how to start something even when we are scared! Sometimes we tend to not want to go after something because someone is “better” than you. NJ explains why we have this mindset and how can we work past our fears!
    • “No one else has a fingerprint-like you.” – Nj Rongner
    • “We have to take a hold of our story and use those as a launchpad for these things that we want to do when we are scared.” – Nj Rongner
  • Nj shares the journey of finding her core values and sticking with them in every situation especially with her family. Although it was a difficult experience for her, she was able to create a roadmap for her life.
  • Some of us have a difficult time asking for help and we chat about those that struggle with some dark time and how to deal with accepting help when it’s offered. Nj talks about how instead of asking people how she can help them, she will tell them what she will do to help them that way they don’t have to think about what they need help in!
    • “You can decide that you’re the kind of person that makes life happen and you take action!” Nj Rongner 


Let’s Connect!

  1. See all that Jennifer has to offer at Shamelessly Feminine!
  2. Join The Shamelessly Feminine Facebook Group and continue the conversation!
  3. Connect more with Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram!


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Make Life Happen and Take Action with NJ Rongner