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Tricia Dycka is a cancer survivor, intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, and more, and she’s on the podcast today to talk about being an empath. She answers the question “what is an empath?” and talks about connecting with people close to you on a different level when you can pick up on their energies and emotions. You’ll also learn about how an empath picks on others’ positive emotions as well as the negative, and how to deal with the emotions we feel during social isolation and a global pandemic.


Key Quotes from the Episode:

“I want to express that whether you’re home alone or you’re in a house full of people, the four walls of your house do not protect you from emotions, which are energy in motion.”

“The universe doesn’t have a verbal language so we have to pay attention to [the signs it sends].”

Tricia Dycka is an intuitive empath coach, Reiki Master, bestselling author, teacher, & speaker. Her mission is to help other empath coaches and healers go from emotional overwhelm to learning how to manage their own energy so they can be more visible and enjoy inner peace.


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Episode produced by Creating Space Communications.