Happy 2020 and welcome back to the podcast! Big announcement: I’m starting 2020 off strong with a new podcast sponsor, Tipsy Chics, the solution for fun products that make fantastic gifts. Check them out at www.tipsychics.com and use our promo code, Shameless.

Now on to this episode. 2019 was a hard year, but we’re still standing. And there is no better person to remind us that we are strong fighters than my friend Leah Brathwaite, author and soul advisor. We’re talking leaving religion, soul searching, making big changes that feed your soul, happiness, and even yoga. I’m also plugging her new book, “A New Way of Life: A Guide for Transformation from Living a Lie to Freeing Your Soul,” which you can find at her website, www.leahbrathwaite.com


Key Quotes from the Episode:

“The main thing is what do you believe? That’s something you need to formulate on your own. Does that resonate as true to you? Only you can decide for yourself.”

“It’s a constant evolution. It’s like an onion of uncovering more truth, more authenticity. That’s what life is supposed to be about. This constant evolution.”

“Remember that tiny spark, that tiny flame within you, can illuminate even a cavernous black hole.”

Leah Brathwaite is a certified yoga and meditation teacher, writer, speaker and coach. Having studied with, and been mentored by, world renowned teachers and coaches, she radically transformed her own life from living lost in fear to a life of fulfillment and freedom, and has developed a unique mentorship program that offers her clients the same opportunity for transformation in their own lives. She teaches women to find self-acceptance and live their deepest truth through her signature coaching program the LIVE FREE Lifestyle™. Her first book, A New Way of Life: A Guide For Transformation from Living a Lie to Freeing Your Soul, released in 2019 and reached Bestseller status on Amazon. She is currently traveling the world and working remotely.


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Episode produced by Creating Space Communications.