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  • Have you ever felt imposter syndrome? If you already don’t know this, I am launching my first book! I just sent over my manuscript over to my beta readers and have been feeling some serious imposter syndrome.
  • These negatives thoughts have been creeping in this week. I do believe that my story will help someone but just like the title of this show, sometimes we need a kick in the ass and I needed that kick in the ass!
    • “You’re not an imposter, you know what you are doing! So, tell those thoughts to shut the eff up!”  – Jen Rozenbaum
  • If you’re feeling these negative thoughts, know that you’re so NOT alone! One of the ways that can help me get over imposter syndrome is to take to the confessional and let out how I am feeling! How do you deal with imposter syndrome?
    • “Ladies, It’s up to us to change the world!”  -Jen Rozenbaum

Let’s Connect!

  1. See all that Jennifer has to offer at Shamelessly Feminine!
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  3. Connect more with Jennifer on Facebook and Instagram!